L’Agenzia Dogane e Monopoli con la circolare in oggetto ha reso noto che dal 6 dicembre prende il via una sperimentazione operativa della procedura “Fast Transfer” per i soggetti autorizzati operanti presso l’aeroporto di Malpensa.


Infatti, nell’ambito del programma di “Digitalizzazione degli Aeroporti” è stata automatizzata la procedura di trasferimento delle merci depositate presso i magazzini di temporanea custodia (TC) aeroportuali (cd. magazzini interni) verso magazzini di TC situati fuori dell’area aeroportuale (cd. magazzini esterni), al fine di potervi effettuare le successive operazioni di sdoganamento.


Le istruzioni operative per l’attuazione della sperimentazione di tale procedura sono contenute nel Disciplinare quadro e con il Disciplinare di servizio, che definisce i soggetti coinvolti nella sperimentazione e che è diramato a cura della Direzione territoriale competente sull’aeroporto presso cui si avvia la sperimentazione, sono fornite le istruzioni procedurali di dettaglio.


Questa procedura si applica a merce non unionale depositata presso i magazzini di temporanea custodia aeroportuali autorizzati alla procedura.

Fonte: Alsea


Global Logistics Alliance(GLA) is a network for over 5,000 logistics companies from 170+ countries in the world. GLA provides a platform for helping our memberships find business, reliable overseas agent with integrity and expand their global business network as they can post agent request, inquiry and competitive rate etc in GLA home page. GLA aims at becoming the most efficient and useful network for small and medium-sized logistics companies and brings more benefits to our memberships. Welcome to be part of GLA family.Join us now.

GLA General Network

GLA General Network memberships focus on Air Freight, LCL, FCL, Trucking, Custom Clearance and Port Service for general cargo in each country.They provides competitive rate, great service and one stop solution to guarantee your cargo be delivered smoothly to destination when you have the request at any time.

GLA Project Network

GLA Project Network memberships are the specialized in Break Bulk Chartering, RORO, OOG, Heavy Lift, Trucking, Port Service, Warehouse and Inspection etc for Project cargo. They are the experts in project industry and design the best solution for your shipment whenever you are in despair.

Per maggiori informazioni leggete QUI:


Dal 26 Giugno  SL EUROPE AGENCY fa parte del Gruppo Cinese WIFFA, specialisti del trasporto internazionale.

World International Freight Forwarder Alliance (WIFFA) è un’organizzazione per la cooperazione commerciale tra i membri spedizionieri internazionali. È stato avviato da Shipping China (www.shippingchina.com) e co-sponsorizzato da organizzazioni del settore marittimo e associati in Cina e all’estero. È stato registrato a Hong Kong. WIFFA mira a stabilire norme e regolamenti industriali, completando i modelli di business e aumentando le opportunità di business attraverso le interazioni tra i membri. I principali contenuti collaborativi di WIFFA sono AGENZIA RECIPROCA, e COMMERCIALIZZAZIONE . La filosofia di WIFFA è quella di invitare tutte le società di spedizioni che hanno un’alta reputazione, buone prestazioni commerciali e una mente ponderata a lottare per l’aumento degli interessi comuni.

La famiglia WIFFA  è possibile trovare un ambiente aziendale affidabile e sicuro. Standard e procedure rigorose per la domanda di adesione garantiscono la sicurezza e l’affidabilità della famiglia WIFFA per tutti i membri. I candidati devono essere approvati dal segretariato WIFFA in base al volume di traffico, alla reputazione, alla portata aziendale, alle qualifiche come NVOCC, membri di altre organizzazioni internazionali ecc.

Per maggiori informazioni leggete QUI:


The crisis caused by the spread of coronavirus is an opportunity for rail logistics.
Rail services between China and Europe are growing fast, with the reliability, speed and cost looking increasingly attractive in the face of blanked container shipping services and very high air freight rates.
The freight trains on the new Silk Road are well booked, said Patrick Merkel, managing director of 4PL Prologue Solutions.
Freight forwarders advise their customers to reserve capacities two weeks in advance.
Rail transport between China and Hamburg currently takes only 18 days, instead of 32 or more by sea transport.
Despite slightly increasing demand, the rates per container were relatively stable, added the company – on average, 50% cheaper than air freight.
And services are increasing. Russian Railways, SNCF Forwardis and Cosco Group launched a 20-day train service connecting Jiangxi with Paris.
The crisis caused by the spread of coronavirus is a problem, but it’s also an opportunity for rail logistics. It is already obvious to many that the railway is not just an alternative, but is the main mode of cargo transport in conditions where high speed, clarity and stability are required.

Supporting measures to rail and intermodal transport
A few days ago, the European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, Italian aid measures to support the shift of freight transport from road to rail in the area of the Port of Genoa. The goal is to encourage the use of rail transport and intermodal solutions in the context of serious disruptions to the local transport network, severely impacted by the collapse of the Morandi bridge in August 2018. The EU decision released an overall budget of Eur 9 million, in the form of subsidies to logistics companies and multimodal transport operators, which have been able to maintain or to increase the share of freight transported by rail from and to the Port of Genoa over the 15 months following the collapse of the bridge. Support will also be granted, to the concessionaire of rail services in the Port of Genoa to compensate the additional costs borne due to the infrastructural disruption over the same period. The Commission found that the aid is beneficial for the environment, as it supports rail transport and mobility, which is less polluting than road transport, while also decreasing road congestion. This is particularly important in this case due to the severe disruptions in traffic and connectivity experienced by the city of Genoa as a result of the collapse of the Morandi bridge in 2018. The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority trusts that this decision can become a first step towards a stronger role of public bodies to encourage and to govern the development of a more sustainable transport service between the ports of Genoa and their hinterland.


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